Wednesday, October 10, 2007

A great 1st and 3rd play against a lefty

Segment 10 in "trick or treat" month.

A 1st and 3rd situation and a lefthander on the mound can bring some interesting dynamics if you are willing to try and be somewhat daring. I'd like to discuss one option that is available to the offense in this situation.

With a lefthander on the mound, his back his to the lead runner. It is this idea that the offensive team is going to try and take advantage of. The play starts with the runner on 3rd getting an extended walking lead as the pitcher comes set. He continues to walk and as the pitcher comes set he simply takes off toward home plate. The next piece of the puzzle is the most important piece to the puzzle.

As the runner on 1st sees the runner on 3rd take off, the runner on 1st takes off in a sprint to 2nd. The timing is critical. Man on 1st sees the runner on 3rd and he mirrors him.

The hope here is that the pitcher only sees the runner on 1st and steps off to address him. All the while the runner on 3rd is racing home. In most cases, the pitcher will step off and look to 3rd base. However, that look to 3B just might be enough of a delay to prevent an out at home plate. As the pitcher looks to 3B, the runner is racing home and the slightest bit of hesitation results in a run.

Obviously, speed helps in this secenario.

This is usually also a 2 out scenario. It falls under the "desparate times call for desparate measures" category.

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