Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Mid. infielders switching coverage

Runner at 1st base takes off to steal 2B. When should a coach switch mid. infield coverage? In other words, if a righty is hitting when should he ask the SS to cover rather than the 2B?

The easy answer is if the coach suspects that a hit and run might be on. If a team has shown a tendency to hit behind runners than the coach should ask the infielders to switch coverage.

Another issue that goes into whether or not you should switch coverage is a teams propensity to go 1st to 3rd. If a team runs quite a bit and has demonstrated that it will go 1st to 3rd, it may be beneficial to have the SS cover because it may be less likely for that runner to try and get to 3B. A 2B that covers would almost guarantee a 1st to 3B single because the ball would be behind the runner in the outfield grass rather than in front.

Switching coverage is more often done with a righty hitting because when a lefty is hitting you have the SS covering for the most part. You don't want to switch coverage and create a 1st and 3rd when a single through the 6 hole would have only created a 1st and 2nd.

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