Saturday, May 3, 2008

2-2 pitch. "Make it happen"

The 2-2 pitch is one the most important counts to pitch in. It's so important because of what happens if the batter goes to a full count. When the pitcher throws ball 3 from a 2-2 count the hitter gains .030 points(as evidenced by the chart below). That's more than any other count affected by a thrown "ball." The 2-2 hitters perspective is one of a defensive one. Some doubt still exists as to what he should throw. However, the 3-2 count is definitely a hitters count. The pitcher still may throw a pitcher's pitch but there is more of a risk in doing so. Therefore, the hitter is much more aggressive looking fastball.

Furthermore, the 3-2 count offers more than just a marginal change in batting average. It allows runners to be in motion and can take would be double plays out of the equation. Also, when a batter hits the ball into the outfield, there is a good chance the runner in motion could take an extra base. This puts added pressure on the outfielders to throw to the proper position.

Quite simply, 2-2 counts should be the "MAKE IT HAPPEN COUNT." Avoid 3-2 at all costs.

The chart below is a compiled major league chart over one season of the batting averages in different counts.

0-2 5090 854 134 20 54 1190 0 0 66 2232 .168 .234 .299 .416
1-2 10683 1879 314 36 121 2628 0 0 90 4249 .176 .246 .292 .408
2-2 10488 2027 346 40 160 2933 0 0 56 3714 .193 .280 .299 .433
3-2 7052 1575 324 41 154 2443 3248 4 16 2001 .223 .346 .312 .484
0-1 6942 2099 334 36 142 2931 0 0 81 0 .302 .422 .302 .422
0-0 10986 3347 555 60 315 4967 0 0 142 0 .305 .452 .305 .452
3-0 192 59 13 1 6 92 1530 593 3 0 .307 .479 .307 .479
1-1 7554 2338 427 45 195 3440 0 0 63 0 .310 .455 .310 .455
1-0 7647 2399 471 42 223 3623 0 0 35 0 .314 .474 .314 .474
3-1 2319 738 137 12 108 1223 2300 29 8 0 .318 .527 .318 .527
2-0 2838 925 207 20 120 1532 0 0 8 0 .326 .540 .326 .540
2-1 5356 1766 334 33 178 2700 0 0 17 0 .330 .504 .330 .504

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