Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A common sign of a poorly coached team(MIDDLE INFIELDERS)

In little league baseball when a runner steals, both middle infelders run to the bag. One goes to catch the ball. The other goes to backup the throw. This makes a lot of sense. In little league, you're not allowed to steal until the catcher catches the ball. By then, the ball has already passed the hitter. You can back up the throw with as many players as you feel is necessary.

But, as these little leaguers matriculate into older players, players are allowed to steal prior to the ball getting to the catcher. This means the ball is in flight and the hitter has an opportunity to hit the ball. You certainly do not want both middle infielders to cover the bag when there is an opportunity for the ball to be hit. Talk about opening up a hole.

Yet, this obvious nuance can often times be neglected by coaches when they work with infielders. In fact, just this year in a District playoff game a highly respected team had both infelders cover 2nd base on a steal attempt. They throw sailed over the 2B's head and was caught by the shortstop. Huh?

Of course, no one thought twice about that. He is supposed to back up right? NO! The centerfielder is the primary backup and the other infielder gets there when he can. But, definitely not in time to catch an errant throw.

Fans aren't supposed to notice this but coaches are.


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